Hose, Ladder, and Pump Testing
By Ward Six Fire Protection District No. One
December 7, 2022

Our hose, ladders and pumps must be tested annually, per the rules set forth by Property Insurance Association of Louisiana.

The pump tests were completed last month with no pumps failing the tests.

All of our ladders and hoses were tested this week. It took only 2 1/2 days for the guys from Axcess Hose & Ladder to test over 20,000 feet of hose and 30 ladders, with only 15 sections of hose failing the test. All ladders passed the test. The failed hoses have been removed from service and replaced with spare hose we had on hand. We keep approximately 30 extra 50ft sections of hose in storage to replace any that burst while being used or that fail the testing.

Thank you to all of the guys from Axcess Hose & Ladder for your hard work!