Weather Alert!
By Ward Six Fire Protection District No. One
January 3, 2025


On Sunday, January 5, 2025 there is a slight chance for severe weather in our area ahead of a cold front.

Temperatures will plummet into next week with predicted temperatures in the overnight areas to drop below freezing.

A few safety tips to ensure your family is safe.

1) Keep space heaters at least 3 ft away from combustible materials.
2) Do not use heat lamps for pets, they may inadvertently knock them over causing a fire hazard.
3) Test all smoke detectors, have working smoke detectors in your home.
4) If utilizing fire places, make sure the fireplace and chimney flue have been inspected and cleaned.
5) If propane or natural gas is used for heating, have working Carbon Monoxide detector.
6) Protect people, pipes, pets, and plants before the cold temperatures arrive.
7) Make sure coals from fire place fires are completely out and dispose of them in a non-combustible container.

If you do not have a working smoke detector in your home, Ward 6 Fire Department participates in Operation Save-A-Life through the Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal. Contact us at 337-786-2775 or message our facebook page and we will contact you to schedule your free smoke detector install.

Stay Safe and be weather aware.