We had our busiest year ever responding to emergencies.
Currently, our department has Automatic Aid Agreements with the DeQuincy Fire Department and Houston River Fire Department for all structural fires and fire alarms. The automatic aid agreements are reciprocal and the departments are automatically notified to respond by 911 should a structure fire or fire alarms occur in each district. Ward 6 Fire also has an Automatic Aid Agreement with Ward 5 Fire Protection (Starks area) and we automatically respond to structure fires within their district.
Our department is also part of Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Association. This allows other departments to request Mutual Aid (MA) assistance with emergencies when help is needed.
The list below details the responses for Ward 6 Fire Protection District No. One during 2022.
* AA denotes Automatic Aid ** MA denotes Mutual Aid
Structure Fires in district: 19 **Structure Fires (MA): 19 *Structure Fires (AA): 22 Fire alarms in district: 9 *Fire alarms (AA): 54 Vehicle Fires in district: 10 **Vehicle Fires (MA): 5 Motor Vehicle Crashes: 46 **Motor Vehicle Crashes (MA): 5 Vehicle Extrications in district: 8 **Vehicle Extrications (MA): 3 Smoke/Odor Removal in district: 5 Grass/Woods Fires in district: 75 **Grass/Woods Fires (MA): 37 Trash Fires in district: 13 **Trash fires (MA): 4 Medical Assist in district: 23 **Medical Assist (MA): 2 Haz-Mat Incidents in district: 2 Electrical/short circuit in district: 10 **Electrical/short circuit (MA): 2 Lightening strike: 1 Animal Rescue: 1 Search for missing person: 4 Public Service Assists: 157 Cancelled Enroute: 12 Unfounded: 6 Other Emergencies: 26
2022 Total calls: 580
We installed a total of 526 smoke/carbon monoxide alarms in 176 homes during 2022.
We would like to thank the volunteer firefighters that give their time to train and respond to emergencies within our community. Without volunteers, the fire district could not provide the services above. If you wish to be a part of helping your community and would like to volunteer, contact Ward 6 Fire Protection District No. One @ 337-786-2775, email Ward6fd@aol.com, or message our Facebook page (Ward Six Fire Protection District No. One). |